Product Life Cycles
Currently, most products are designed to be used by the consumer. However, the product life cycle does not end there. The life cycle ends when the product and the materials are disposed of. Unfortunately, many products are highly functional in the use phase, but hard or impossible to dispose of correctly at the end of life. We need to design beyond the consumer and put disposal into the brief.
Form, Function & Footprint Design
Most products have been designed with the aim of high function and form. However, the product’s footprint has often been an afterthought. Form, Function and Footprint Design places the product’s footprint and environmental impact at equal importance to form and function.

Value in Waste
The circular economy aims to design out waste as much as possible. However, there will be cases that this is not possible. Seeing value and utilising the waste product is a good way we can maximise the resources we are using.
Circular Economy
The circular economy is an economic model that is restorative and regenerative by design. It aims to design out waste and maximise the resources we have. Currently the model is linear: we take from the earth, make with it, then dispose of it. The circular economy aims to close the loop.
The circular economy is a future proof economic model. There is a tendency, especially in business, to lean towards short term gains often at the expense of the environment. The circular economy provides a framework that bridges the gap between behaviours, business and our planet.